

Dr S. Marr


KS3 Science Course

The KS3 science course is a two-year course encompassing a wide variety of topics in all three scientific disciplines.  The primary aim of the course is to develop a love of learning and engage their natural curiosity about the world we live in.

The course is built around the Big Ideas of Science and students will study biology, chemistry and physics modules that have been designed to enthuse, excite and challenge our students.  The course provides a solid foundation for their GCSE studies covering topical issues such as the search for exoplanets and also poses some of the ethical and moral dilemmas faced by modern day scientists.

Science is a practical subject and students will learn how to use a range of equipment and conduct scientific experiments.  The transferable skills developed through the course will produce confident scientists able to evaluate scientific evidence and communicate their ideas in a coherent, succinct and logical manner.

At the end of Year 8, students undertake a project into the school environment enabling them to develop the skills needed to work in a team.  The project culminates in the production of a scientific poster showcasing their research to be presented to their peers in a scientific conference.

The topics covered in the two years include:

Extra Curricular Science Club offers students an opportunity to work towards a nationally-recognised Crest Award. These recognise and reward students for leading their own project and are available at three levels: bronze, silver and gold. More details can be found here:









In years 9 – 11, students study for GCSE sciences and will be timetabled for Biology, Chemistry and Physics with different teachers. Please select the Biology, Chemistry or Physics links above for further details.